Validation tools

Welcome to our validation tools.

We have developed online validation tools for our clients and providers, which provide instant feedback whether your document/data is matching known standards and can be imported into our system. Please ensure to only transmit documents/data which have successfully passed validation.


There are various tools available for the validity testing of PDF metadata, document URLs and CSV structure.

PDF Metadata

This tool checks whether a PDF document meets the metadata requirements. Further details regarding this standard are available in the ‘Templates and Guides’ section of our Data Partner Portal

Document URL

This tool is validating a document URL as such - not the PDF itself. It tests if the URL is returning a PDF in a way that FE fundinfo is able to process the document.

Transfer System

This tool validates a CSV or XML file, which forms the basis of a Document Transfer System (Doc-TS). feed file. Please visit our Data Partner Portal for further details regarding Doc-TS transmissions..


Validation rules for openfunds compliant spreadsheets have been enriched by additional rules and plausibility checks established by FE fundinfo.


This tool is validating Static Data Spreadsheets to ensure that they are matching the openfunds standard. In addition, it applies certain plausibility checks.

Error Type Classification

This list provides a summary and a detailed view on the error categories, which might pop up while using the spreadsheet validator.


Here, you will get a detailed access to all validation rules applied by fundinfo’s system and the spreadsheet validator.